[PP-discussions] [PP-Idf] Pirate australien rech. couch-surfing en France fin avril

Romain Rivière mail at romainriviere.fr
Jeu 2 Fév 01:42:09 CET 2012

Ça ne devrait pas poser de problème pour moi.

2012/1/31 Maxime Rouquet <maxime.rouquet at partipirate.org>

> Petite annonce : si quelqu'un est motivé par accueillir quelques jours
> l'un des représentants du PP australien fin avril chez lui, merci de me
> contacter (ou de prendre contact directement avec l'intéressé, voir
> ci-dessous).
> Piratement,
> marou
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Brendan Molloy <brendan.molloy at pirateparty.org.au>
> Date: Mon, Jan 30, 2012 at 06:15
> Subject: [pp.int.general] Coming to Europe; need couch-based accommodation
> To: Pirate Parties International -- General Talk <
> pp.international.general at lists.pirateweb.net>
> Hey guys,
> So as some of you may know, I intend to come to Prague for the GA in
> April, and intend to stay in Europe for a couple of weeks after that.
> I am planning my itinerary and am looking for as many couches as
> possible to sleep on to keep my costs as low as possible and keep my
> blood-alcohol content as high as possible ;)
> Anybody willing to shack up an Aussie for a couple of days at a time?
> I've had a few offers in NL, LU and CZ. I'd really like to visit BE, and
> maybe ES and FR if I can afford it :)
> Look forward to meeting all of your parties!
> --
> Regards,
> Brendan Molloy
> Secretary
> Pirate Party Australia
> M: +61 449 617 246
> W: http://www.pirateparty.org.au
> E: brendan.molloy at pirateparty.org.au
> T: @piecritic
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> Pirate Parties International - General Talk
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