[Stratcom] Verbatim intervention J Reda

Jérôme Leignadier-Paradon j.lei.par at partipirate.org
Jeu 9 Avr 15:47:07 CEST 2015

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Jérôme Leignadier-Paradon
<http://wiki.partipirate.org/wiki/Utilisateur:J%C3%A9r%C3%B4me_PPRA> - j.lei.par at partipirate.org
<mailto:j.lei.par at partipirate.org>
ppfr <https://www.partipirate.org/> 	

  * Porte parole national
  * secrétaire section Rhône-Alpes <https://rhone-alpes.partipirate.org/>

Le 09/04/2015 15:11, Frédéric Lecointre a écrit :
> J'ai commencé, je poste ici au fur et à mesure ce que je relève brut
> pour ceux qui veulent prendre en route ou prendre une section plus
> loin. Je relève par bloc complet d'intervention.
> *!...!* <-  je n'ai pas compris le mot
> *2:44 *<- là où je me suis arrêté*
> *-------------
> i think in a way, i'm actually,the best friend of the creators because
> there's a common misunderstanding that if we don't change the law
> the situation is going to stay the same but actually what i'm
> proposing in the european parliamant it's a new system of dealing with
> the protection of offers on the internet that actually works
> *00:59*
> of course the name parti pirate is a provocation but perhaps i can
> explain why we have chosen this name when this *!...!* was started
> it's essentially a reaction to the tone of the debate but it's
> extermely difficult to have a sensable discussion about question of
> copyright law without having a lot of insults and some of them *!...!*
> gathered by the french media but there's also a similar expression in
> germany that has been used to describe the younger generation that is
> using the internet to share culture they talk of *!...! *which is
> essentially a burglary copies so they ... burglary is stealing
> something under the use of violence. SO basically, the tone of the
> debate before the pirate party came around was comparing people who
> *!...! * file sharing  with violent criminals so there's a huge over
> statement of the threat that is being brought by the technologies and
> calling themselves party pirate is juste a way of trying to
> reappropriate the *!...! *pirate are also kind of cool and they
> represent freedom and challenge of copyrights system so that we can
> break out of the circle of having a very charge debate that is only
> about insults, about fears and can talk about how we actually want to
> live with technologies in the future.
> *2:44*
> -- 
> Frédéric Lecointre
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