[PP-discussions] Nouvelle situation en Syrie

Frédéric Lecointre frederic.lecointre at burnweb.net
Dim 14 Fév 14:44:38 CET 2016

Le 14/02/2016 13:35, Nicolas Mitran a écrit :
> J'ai lu quelque part que l'opération menée par Poutine en Syrie serait
> un "échec" et qu'il se consolerait avec la rencontre qui a eu lieue
> entre le patriarche de Moscou et celui de Rome.
ah tu fais bien de mettre cela sur la table car suivant l'interlocuteur
US, la conclusion n'est pas la même :

/Three months into his military intervention in Syria, Russian President
Vladimir Putin has achieved his central goal of stabilizing the Assad
government and, with the costs relatively low, could sustain military
operations at this level for years, U.S. officials and military analysts
//That assessment comes despite public assertions by President Barack
Obama and top aides that Putin has embarked on an ill-conceived mission
in support of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad that it will struggle to
afford and that will likely fail.//
//"I think it's indisputable that the Assad regime, with Russian
military support, is probably in a safer position than it was," said a
senior administration official, who requested anonymity. Five other U.S.
officials interviewed by Reuters concurred with the view that the
Russian mission has been mostly successful so far and is facing
relatively low costs./


Frédéric Lecointre
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