[PP-discussions] Fighting Israeli Occupying Forces Is “Terrorism.” Boycotting Is “Anti-Semitism.” What’s Allowed?
Frédéric Lecointre
frederic.lecointre at burnweb.net
Lun 4 Avr 22:02:54 CEST 2016
Point de vue intéressant de Greenwald mais pas forcément nouveau. Tuer
une personne inconsciente quel que soit le contexte est un meurtre
quelle que soit l'angle d'approche.
THAT “TERRORISM” IS a malleable term of propaganda, with no fixed
meaning or consistent application, is now quite well-established. Still,
its recent application to a spate of violence targeting Israel’s
occupying soldiers in the West Bank is so manipulative and extreme that
it’s well worth highlighting.
Frédéric Lecointre
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