[PP-discussions] Fwd: [Bureau] The vote on the Reda Report

Larose75 Larose75 at partipirate.org
Mar 7 Juil 18:10:37 CEST 2015

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Subject: 	[Bureau] The vote on the Reda Report
Date: 	Tue, 7 Jul 2015 15:55:45 +0000
From: 	REDA Julia OFFICE <julia.reda-office at europarl.europa.eu>
To: 	REDA Julia OFFICE <julia.reda-office at europarl.europa.eu>


As you are of course already aware, this Thursday the final plenary vote 
on Julia's report will take place in Strasbourg. This is a perfect 
opportunity for you to get media attention.

There will be a result on the vote around 12:00h CEST, but we already 
know which parts most likely will be adopted.

The issue of Freedom of Panorama was a huge media hype across all over 
Europe and the paragraph in the report, asking for Freedom of Panorama 
to be restricted, will definitely be removed. This is a huge success for 
Julia and will be the headline of our press release.

There is also an amendment from liberal Dutch MEP Marietje Schaake that 
wants to restore Julia's original proposal to call for an extention of 
Freedom of Panorama across Europe. We don't know if this will end up in 
the report, but if it does, this makes our success even bigger.

Other than that we can also celebrate that we will have defeated an 
attempt from German conservative MEPs to add a paragraph calling for an 
ancilliary copyright for press publishers to the report.

Generally, the report is a small, first step in the right direction and 
contains good proposals for example to introduce new copyright 
exceptions for libraries and cultural heritage organisations to enable 
them to do their job also in the 21st century. Unfortunately, also some 
negative points have been added to the report and we don't know every 
single outcome yet. We will see the details only after the vote.

There will be a press release from Julia's office and the Greens/EFA 
group in German, English and French as well as a press release by the 
European Parliament itself (which of course will include a balanced view 
on the report) translated in all 23 official Member States languages.
It would be great if you also could send out a press release. Get back 
to us as soon as possible so we can discuss details and give you our 
press release for you to translate and make local changes to it.

And you can of course also write blog posts, contact your local 
journalists, that will be happy to report about the rescue of Freedom of 
Panorama, and so on too.

Best regards,


Office MEP Julia Reda

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