[PP-discussions] Fwd: Re: [Bureau] [pp-leaders] Beginning of tomorrows GA delayed!
Larose75 at partipirate.org
Lun 6 Juil 16:56:14 CEST 2015
et ca chauffe au PPI...
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: Re: [Bureau] [pp-leaders] Beginning of tomorrows GA delayed!
Date: Sat, 04 Jul 2015 12:18:52 -0400
From: Andrew Norton <ktetch at gmail.com>
Reply-To: pp-leaders.discussion at lists.pp-international.net
To: pp-leaders at lists.pp-international.net
Hash: SHA256
On 7/3/2015 3:53 PM, Repentinus wrote:
> Dear all,
> On 07/03/2015 01:41 PM, Thomas Gaul wrote:
>> For your information, we will start accreditation tomorrow at
>> 10.00 CEST. The Conference itself will start at 11:00 CEST.
> Can the board please point me to an e-mail to all Members that was
> supposed to serve as a notice of the upcoming GA meeting? I am able
> to find several e-mails about changing a particular or another, but
> I do not think that I have seen an e-mail that can be considered an
> official announcement of a GA meeting.
There was this
exactly 5 weeks before, as required.
however, This announcement states
"we would like to invite you to the 2015 Pirate Parties International
Assembly which will be held on July 4th and 5th in Łódź, Poland. "
To my knowledge, there is no event in Lodz.
There is one in Warsaw, BUT the announcement for it
came 11 days before, not 5 weeks as required.
I mean sure, the statues state "IX (7) Meetings of the General
Assembly will be announced at least five weeks prior to the meeting.
The invitation will be sent out by the Board to all Members and
published on the homepage of Pirate Parties International website."
and this one was only announced 11 days ago, but hey, It's PPI, and
since when have members of the PPI board cared about statues when it's
not to their favour
for instance) but sticking to them when it is ("As the board has
received several statutes amendments after the given deadline
(statutes again) I hereby ask those Parties who did deliver their
amendments to change there statutes amendments accordingly (if they
see them fit and vital for those amendments."
- - I'm assuming it's the 'one board member per country' one)
Add to that Gregory removing the candidacy of people he opposes from
the wiki, and all I can say is i'm very very glad I asked some of my
friends at tech/politics news sites to watch the wiki, pads and video
feeds closely to see the kind of corruption and incompetence PPI has.
> In my opinion such an e-mail should have included the proposed
> datetimes and location and I wish to verify that the organization
> of this upcoming meeting has taken place in accordance with the
> statutes.
> I hope that I have simply lost the original invitation, so if
> someone could forward it with headers intact, I'd be very
> gracious.
> Cheers,
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