[PP-discussions] Fwd: [Bureau] TED Talk: How to upgrade democracy for the internet era, feat. DemocracyOS
Erwan Legrand
partipirate at erwan.legrand.name
Jeu 13 Nov 23:04:41 CET 2014
Le bon lien pour voir la vidéo depuis le début :
On Thu, Nov 13, 2014 at 2:07 PM, Larose75 <Larose75 at partipirate.org> wrote:
> -------- Forwarded Message -------- Subject: [Bureau] TED Talk: How to
> upgrade democracy for the internet era, feat. DemocracyOS Date: Wed, 12
> Nov 2014 18:41:13 -0300 From: Nando Sarmiento <nando at noempire.co>
> <nando at noempire.co> To:
> Hey there
> How are things down Parti Pirate? I’ve probably contacted you some
> months back about a coming soon Kickstarter we have on the works called
> DemocracyOS <http://democracyos.org/> (an open source vote & debate
> decision-making tool for all types of organisations). We here at the
> “DemocracyOS” bunker are extremely happy… because one of our project
> leaders, Pia Mancini, has just given a great TED talk (the first Argentine
> to give one!) titled "How to upgrade democracy for the internet era", at
> TED global, Brazil (click here to view it
> <http://www.ted.com/talks/pia_mancini_how_to_upgrade_democracy_for_the_internet_era#t-42429>
> ).
> We’re also rounding up the data and getting everything ready to start
> our Kickstarter soon. We wanted to share our party mood and Pia’s video,
> where she explains exactly what the project is about. Hope you enjoy it!
> We’ll return with more info on the Kickstarter soon as well, and really
> hope this is of your interest! —just to refresh, DemocracyOS was featured
> in Wired <http://www.wired.com/2014/05/democracy-os/>, HuffPo
> <http://www.huffingtonpost.ca/john-izzo/net-party-argentina_b_3786115.html>
> and many other open democracy outlets. And we're super happy it's moving
> right ahead!
> I can connect you with Pia if you need to, as she's taking lots of press
> requests. All help will be very very appreciated!!
> Big cheers, and more to come soon!
> *Nando Sarmiento*
> Ño Empire / DemocracyOS
> Website <http://www.noempire.co>
> Twitter <http://www.twitter.com/noempireco>
> Facebook <http://www.facebook.com/noempireco>
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