[PP-discussions] Fwd: [pp.int.general] Snap elections in Luxembourg! Pirates need international support!

Michel Amorosa michel.amorosa at gmail.com
Jeu 11 Juil 08:12:48 CEST 2013

Pour info au Luxembourg avec 3,5% des voix ils envoient un pirate au
Parlement: ils ont juste besoin de 25K€


Michel Amorosa.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jerry Weyer <jerry at piratepartei.lu>
Date: 2013/7/11
Subject: [pp.int.general] Snap elections in Luxembourg! Pirates need
international support!
To: pp.international.general at lists.pirateweb.net,
pp-eu at lists.pp-international.net

 Dear Pirates,

 Tonight July 10th the luxembourgish government fell apart, meaning that we
have snap elections in October 2013 in Luxembourg! This gives us 3 months
to pull off our election campaign and get at least one Pirate into national

 On Thursday July 11th we want to launch our donation platform. We
calculated our campaign budget and Pirate Party Luxembourg needs 25.000€ to
get through the campaign (more details here: https://donate.piraten.lu/).

 We would like all international Pirates to share the link to our donation
platform https://donate.piraten.lu/ on your social media accounts, making
as much buzz as possible. Please use the hashtag #Neiwahlen (new elections
in luxembourgish) on Twitter, Facebook, G+, as the tag is followed by
luxembourgish media. We do not only want to collect donations, but also to
share the link and get media attention on the international solidarity of
Pirates all over the world (making a hashtag about Luxembourg trending
would be a first and who else to pull it off, but Pirates? ;) ).

 We are very grateful for your help, any donation is welcome and

 We need about 3,5% in Luxembourg to get one Pirate into Parliament. The
first polls we were mentioned in showed us at 3%. This can be done!

 Thanks for your help!

 Jerry Weyer
 for the Pirate Party Luxembourg

 P.S. For any information regarding luxembourgish elections you can contact
me as campaign manager at jerry.weyer at piratepartei.lu or +352 661 860 401.

Pirate Parties International - General Talk
pp.international.general at lists.pirateweb.net
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