[Stratcom] Fwd: [Bureau] Democratic Pirates Australia - Condemnation of Paris attacks

Larose75 Larose75 at partipirate.org
Mer 18 Nov 17:11:36 CET 2015

tu trouves que les pp étrangers ne relayent pas assez notre cp ?

c difficile de checker

après chacun a ses priorités et nos 129 morts sont loin derrière les 220 
russes de la semaine dernière mais bon on leur a pas non plus envoyé en 
leur demandant de relayer (et il n'existe pas vraiment d'organisation, 
je vais envoyer a piratetimes mais n'hésitez pas a relayer aussi)

Le 18/11/2015 11:31, vallois.julien a écrit :
> Je suis étonné du non relais du CP du PP fr sur les PP étrangers quand 
> même.
> 2015-11-18 16:10 GMT+01:00 Larose75 <Larose75 at partipirate.org 
> <mailto:Larose75 at partipirate.org>>:
>     oui voila c pas le pp australia en fait
>     donc comme on est bien copain (pp australia) avec eux j'ai pas
>     relayé fbook pour pas facher
>     https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pirate_Party_Australia
>     <>
>     Democratic Pirates Australia
>     mais on leur a dit merci, qu'onrelayait a stratcom et qu'on leur
>     faisait des bisous
>     a voir si faut faire autre chose*
>     *
>     Le 17/11/2015 17:52, Thomas Vermorel a écrit :
>>     On publie les reactions pirates des autres pays ? Ce serait bien...
>>     Le 17 nov. 2015 22:49, "Larose75" <Larose75 at partipirate.org
>>     <mailto:Larose75 at partipirate.org>> a écrit :
>>         -------- Message transféré --------
>>         Sujet : 	[Bureau] Democratic Pirates Australia - Condemnation
>>         of Paris attacks
>>         Date : 	Wed, 18 Nov 2015 07:01:59 +1000
>>         De : 	Freedom Publishers Union email service
>>         <freedompublishersunion.cjones at outlook.com>
>>         <mailto:freedompublishersunion.cjones at outlook.com>
>>         Pour : 	contact at partipirate.org
>>         <mailto:contact at partipirate.org> <contact at partipirate.org>
>>         <mailto:contact at partipirate.org>
>>         *Authorized by Democratic Pirates Australia*
>>         /Subject: Democratic Pirates Australia condemnation of Paris
>>         terrorist attacks/
>>         /November18, 2015/
>>         Democratic Pirates Australia wishes to express our sincere
>>         condolences to the people of France and Pirate Party of
>>         France - (Parti pirate), for the recent terrorist attacks on
>>         Paris.
>>         Terrorism has no place in a modern, democratic and open
>>         society. Our own Party condems such actions of these
>>         fundamental extremists and recognize all terrorist events
>>         should be condemned on a global level.
>>         As Party President of Democratic Pirates Australia, I wish
>>         your Party and your country of France all the best and hope
>>         that democratic principles prevail and succeed long into the
>>         future for France.
>>         /*Democratic Pirates Australia*/
>>         /*info at democraticpirates.com*/
>>         <mailto:info at democraticpirates.com>
>>         --
>>         Sent from Freedom Publishers Union
>>         Information contained in this email is sent with
>>         understanding that recipient takes into account, all attached
>>         content, information and/or attachment(s) are confidential.
>>         If this email was not intended for you, please delete.
>>         If you have any questions regarding the legality or origin of
>>         this email and any of its associated content(s), please email
>>         legal at freedompublishersunion.com
>>         <mailto:legal at freedompublishersunion.com>
>>         Authorized by GC Media Publishing Management - Toronto, CANADA
>>         _______________________________________________
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>>         Stratcom at lists.partipirate.org
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> -- 
> La France est en 2015 le deuxième vendeur d'armes

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