[Stratcom] Fwd: [Bureau] Democratic Pirates Australia - Condemnation of Paris attacks

Larose75 Larose75 at partipirate.org
Mar 17 Nov 22:50:55 CET 2015

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Sujet : 	[Bureau] Democratic Pirates Australia - Condemnation of Paris 
Date : 	Wed, 18 Nov 2015 07:01:59 +1000
De : 	Freedom Publishers Union email service 
<freedompublishersunion.cjones at outlook.com>
Pour : 	contact at partipirate.org <contact at partipirate.org>

*Authorized by Democratic Pirates Australia*

/Subject: Democratic Pirates Australia condemnation of Paris terrorist 

/November18, 2015/

Democratic Pirates Australia wishes to express our sincere condolences 
to the people of France and Pirate Party of France - (Parti pirate), for 
the recent terrorist attacks on Paris.

Terrorism has no place in a modern, democratic and open society. Our own 
Party condems such actions of these fundamental extremists and recognize 
all terrorist events should be condemned on a global level.

As Party President of Democratic Pirates Australia, I wish your Party 
and your country of France all the best and hope that democratic 
principles prevail and succeed long into the future for France.

/*Democratic Pirates Australia*/

/*info at democraticpirates.com*/ <mailto:info at democraticpirates.com>

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