[PP-discussions] bitnation (EN)

Tuxun tuxun at funlab.fr
Jeu 21 Juil 03:15:16 CEST 2016

Salut, je tombe là dessus:


<<BITNATION Overview

BITNATION (https://bitnation.co/) is a Decentralized Borderless 
Voluntary Nation (DBVN), whose purpose is to make the nation state 
geographical oligopoly irrelevant through providing an aggregation of 
more secure, and cost-effective core governance services (such as 
security, dispute resolution, insurance, etc).

BITNATION was founded in July 2014 by Susanne Tarkowski Tempelhof, and 
pioneered the first Blockchain Marriage, World Citizenship, Birth 
Certificate, Land Titles, Refugee Assistance, and has built a 
proof-of-concept with thousands of users, citizens, embassies and allies 
around the world.

The Pangea application is intended to become the world’s first 
blockchain jurisdiction - a decentralized and end-to-end encrypted chat 
application for peer-to-peer dispute resolution.>>

C'est en anglais et  dans un gdoc ca m'enerve aussi vu mon minipc et le 
flicage constant de gg, mais à lire pour  ceux qui s'interessent aux 
blockchains comme facteur de démocratie!  :)

A très vite!

De l'idée à l'objet,
aux logiciels,
aux machines,
aux réseaux,
donc aux usages, libres,
par les outils libres,c'est mon dada.
Forgeur Numérique numérique, quoi.
"Si votre seul outil est un marteau, tout ressemble à un clou."
“The AI does not hate you, nor does it love you, but you are made out of
atoms which it can use for something else.”

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