[PP-discussions] Fwd: Re: [International] Ping

Larose75 Larose75 at partipirate.org
Jeu 19 Nov 14:53:32 CET 2015

des candidats pour aller a bruxelles en décembre ?
si oui svp envoyez a bureau at partipirate.org

-------- Message transféré --------
Sujet : 	Re: [International] Ping
Date : 	Tue, 17 Nov 2015 17:05:33 +0100 (CET)
De : 	Gilles Bordelais <>
Pour : 	
Copie à : 	

Bon ben y'a encore du monde alors :)

On cherche des multiplicateurs pour participer à notre prochain truc à
Un double événement, avec une première partie sur le geoblockage et les
minorités culturelles et linguistiques et une deuxième partie avec des ateliers
sur les meilleurs moyens d'influencer la politique européenne dans le bon sens.
Nous avons encore quelques places donnant droit à un remboursement des frais de
déplacement, donc si vous êtes toujours dans l'activisme, notamment sur le droit
d'auteur, les secrets d'affaire, TTIP, atc, c'est pour vous.

Je vous mais la version anglaise de Julia si dessous. Contactez-bien les
collègues indiqués dans le mail si vous voulez venir, je risque de zapper sinon.



"I would like to invite you to Brussels from Thursday, December 10 to Saturday,
Dec 12 to more closely involve you in my work in the European Parliament.
You are invited to attend a panel discussion on the issue of geoblocking and its
effects on cultural-linguistic minorities on Thursday, followed by a visit to
the Parliament on Friday and community events and workshops from Friday
afternoon to Saturday afternoon. These events will allow you to get a profound
understanding of:
   - how the EU institutions work and what's currently on the agenda
   - how you can effectively support my work
   - how you can be active on a regional, national and EU level
   - how to create political influence for change
I am reaching out to you because you are someone who cares deeply about one or
more of the issues I will work on in the upcoming months (e.g. copyright reform,
geoblocking, trade secrets, etc.). To be successful, we have to coordinate our
work on these issues across borders, and your skills and enthusiasm would be a
great asset.
As part of an official visitors group to the Parliament, your expenses will be
covered up to a limit of 100 Euros plus 0,18 Euros per kilometre between
Brussels and your point of departure in the EU.
The number of participants is limited, so please let me know by Monday, November
23 if you would like to participate. Please note that you will have to make
plans for travel and accommodation yourselves. If you have questions, please
don't hesitate to contact Justus and Sebastian:
     E-Mail: julia.reda-office at ep.europa.eu, sebastian.raible at ep.europa.eu
     Telephone: +32 (0) 228 45732
Thank you"


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