[PP-discussions] Fwd: [Bureau] [pp-leaders] An important reminder about PPEU deadlines!

Larose75 Larose75 at partipirate.org
Mar 9 Juin 23:43:43 CEST 2015

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Subject: 	[Bureau] [pp-leaders] An important reminder about PPEU deadlines!
Date: 	Tue, 9 Jun 2015 20:36:38 +0200
From: 	Tony Motakis <tvelocity at gmail.com>
Reply-To: 	pp-leaders.discussion at lists.pp-international.net
To: 	pp-eu.council-request at lists.pp-international.ne, List for 
international coordinators of the Pirate Parties of the EU 
<pp-eu.coordinators at lists.pp-international.net>, EU Election 
coordination group <pp-eu at lists.pp-international.net>, 
pp-leaders at lists.pp-international.net 
<pp-leaders at lists.pp-international.net>, Pirate Parties International -- 
General Talk <pp.international.general at lists.pirateweb.net>
CC: 	pp-eu.board at lists.pp-international.net

Dear all,

Please keep in mind that the deadlines for proposals and board candidate 
nominations for the PPEU Council meeting are _*very*_ close.

*Please take into account the following key dates:*

*By June 16th (one more week!)*

  * Send nominations for Board positions
  * Send proposals of changes of the Statutes and Pirate Manifesto to
    all Members

*By July 10th:*

  * Sent counter-proposals to the proposals of changes of the Statutes
    and Pirate Manifesto already submitted. They are automatically
    submitted to the meeting.

*Before the Council meeting on Friday 17th and Saturday the 17th of July*
Please make sure you are up to date with your membership fees 
and have registered your delegates 
to the conference.

The provisional agenda of the Council meeting will be published by June 
16th by the Board.

For the agenda of the meeting, please follow these pages:

  * Board Elections 2015
  * Proposals for the Statutes and Manifesto
  * New Member Applications

You can reach the Boardat pp-eu.board at lists.pp-international.net 
<mailto:pp-eu.board at lists.pp-international.net> or, for 
privacy-sensitive matters, at 
pp-eu.board.private at lists.pp-international.net 
<mailto:pp-eu.board.private at lists.pp-international.net>. Practical 
questions regarding the event should be addressed to Mattias Bjärnemalm 
<mailto:mattias.bjarnemalm at ep.europa.eu>.

On behalf of the Board of the European Pirate Party,

Pirate regards,
Antonios Motakis

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