[PP-discussions] Fwd: ACTA update: ACTA rejected by International Trade committee

Ivan Lamouret ivan.lamouret at gmail.com
Jeu 21 Juin 13:02:43 CEST 2012

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: MURPHY Paul <paul.murphy at europarl.europa.eu>
Date: Thu, Jun 21, 2012 at 12:54 PM
Subject: ACTA update: ACTA rejected by International Trade committee
To: MURPHY Paul <paul.murphy at europarl.europa.eu>


Dear all,

I am delighted to be able to tell you that ACTA was rejected by the
European Parliament's International Trade committee this morning by 19
votes to 12.

This is an important victory in the fight against attacks on civil
liberties and a testament to the protests against ACTA that have taken
place across Europe and has put real pressure on MEPs who were initially in
support of ACTA.

The International Trade committee's recommendation to reject ACTA will now
go to a vote of the full plenary session of the Parliament in 2 weeks time.
I encourage people to continue with the protests, petitions, emails and
phonecalls to MEPs to keep up the pressure on them to ensure that ACTA is
rejected by the European Parliament.

I will be updating my website with developments on this issue, please feel
free to check it www.paulmurphymep.eu . Also please find below a press
release that I have released this afternoon following the vote.

Kind regards,

Paul Murphy MEP


*Press Statement: Paul Murphy MEP (Socialist Party / United Left Alliance)
21 June 2012*



   *ACTA defeated at European Parliament Committee*

   *Massive movement of people across Europe needs to continue to defeat

Speaking after the vote in the International Trade Commitee against the
ACTA (Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement), which he is a member of, Paul
Murphy commented:

"The vote against ACTA today is an important victory in the fight against
attacks on our civil liberties. It was defeated in the international trade
committee thanks to the mobilisations of tens of thousands of people in
protests acrossEurope. Now the pressure must be kept up in advance of the
vote on ACTA in the plenary session of the Parliament to ensure that this
pernicious attack on internet freedoms driven by the major corporate
interests is defeated.

“ACTA is an agreement that was negotiated with no transparency by the
European Commission. It is a project driven by lobbying by the
International Chamber of Commerce to protect the intellectuarl property of
major corporations. This comes at the expense of people's internet
freedoms, turning Internet Service Providers into policement for these
private corporations on the internet as well as threatening access to
generic medicines and seeds.

“Th agreement will now be voted on in the plenary session of the European
Parliament in July. If there is a major mobilisation again of people, with
protests, petitions and the continuation of the bombardment of MEPs with
emails, ACTA can be defeated and an important blow struck against the big
business agenda of the European Commission.”

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